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Putting the PERSONAL Back into Personal Training

At Precision One, we believe in the power of personalised exercise. Using our understanding of human anatomy and exercise biomechanics, we will design you an exercise regime that your body needs: helping you to become a stronger, fitter, and more robust version of yourself.


Be one of the countless Precision One Coaching success stories!!!

Exercise is NOT a One-Size-Fits-All

Contrary to other personal training companies and gyms, we do not offer generic plans, ‘bootcamp’ models, nor larger group exercise sessions. Our expertise and passion lie with working more closely with you and tailoring an experience that is aligned with what you want and need to be successful.

P1Coaching P1Coaching

We have an outstanding track record of not only delivering fantastic results, but for offering an exercise experience that promotes physical and mental well-being. We value the importance of exercise for life and want to provide you with the confidence and competence to use resistance training and gym-based exercise long-term.

Combining our expertise and experience as a team of professionals, we work in partnership to help a wide range of people overcome varying exercise and lifestyle barriers to succeed in their health and fitness aims.

Our clients have achieved exceptional results that vary from helping one’s regained strength and mobility with degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis and long-term paid conditions like MPS; to overcoming injuries and improving strength for both sporting and non-sporting contexts; to achieving body transformation results beyond expectation. Our team of trainers has the experience and skillset to support you. If you would like to know how we might be able to help you, please book a free consultation with one of our team by entering through the button.

Kathleen Exintari

“I think that for anybody who really is serious about making the change towards a healthier lifestyle, it’s definitely the right place [Precision One] to go to.”

“I was in the phase where I wanted to make a change and to have a healthier lifestyle... he [Harry] really helps me with how to manage my time, my daily routine. I think him having a background and understanding of what it’s like to have limited time has really helped me break it down and make it manageable for myself.”



"I started to look for personal training because I was rapidly approaching 40, and started to feel really unfit. The gym had always been a scary environment and somewhere where I was a little intimidated by."

"From the very first session, I knew that it wasn't just 'standard' personal training: Harry very much goes the extra mile and it isn't just about strength building but about setting you up for life."



"(Before joining Precision One) I was struggling. I used to have to sit down after a few minutes: my legs were swelling up; I couldn't walk up stairs or come down the stairs."

"When I first started, the main barrier was me. Now, I'm running around the garden; I'm playing football; I'm doing badminton; we go to swimming every week; table tennis; I can carry my grandson up and down the stairs now! It's made me realise, really, what I've been missing."


Why Choose Precision One Coaching?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What do I need to join the programme? Do I need to train in a gym?


A. To achieve the most from this experience, you will need access to a gym or a well - equipped home gym. This doesn’t mean that we can’t or won’t work around your busy lifestyle & programme exercise at home also, but we would like you to show willing to commit to training in a gym environment at least twice per week.

Q. How soon will I start losing weight/body fat?


A. You will see progress in the first few weeks, but this is a ‘health-focused’ phase (known as our ‘Prepare Phase’) where we prioritise the foundations of stress, sleep & digestion to achieve the most from your body later down the line. In this time, you can still expect to see changes in your body, yet this will be slower for some and quicker for others. As we learn to understand your body, this is where we will see progress accelerated.

Q. What will I learn during the programme?


A. Life-long habits and skills that will not only help you to achieve an outstanding result but to sustain it also! You have access to several resources that layer on your education throughout the journey, and your coach will personalise this journey for you also.

Q. How is this different than all the other workout programmes that I’ve already tried?


A. This is an educational process. Our job is to educate you so that you are set for life. This is not a dictatorship in which you’ll be told to follow a strict diet plan and a workout programme that you do not fully understand. For you to truly succeed, you need to have an appreciation of the ‘ins and outs’: hence why our client success rate is so high, because they understand the process & why they are doing things.

Q. How do you help me personally?


A. As part of the programme, all packages offer personal access to your coach & your progress is supported by a weekly formal check-in: this is where we will review how well you are doing, and the support required to advance you forward. Not only that, but you’ll have the opportunity to contact your coach throughout the week to have your questions answered & exercise videos analysed.

Q. Do I get support when I reach a plateau?


A. Absolutely, this is where the coaching process matters most! Your coaching plan is a constantly reviewed working document & we will action the appropriate changes during your formal weekly check-in.

Q. Can I still have dinner with my family?


A. Of course. The most important factor of success will be your ability to implement & sustain the programme to fit you and your lifestyle! We will provide you with the tools to take control of your own nutrition to support your goals and life.

Q. Will I have to use supplements?


A. You don’t have to do anything. We will offer you evidence-based suggestions that relate to your personal circumstances. This is always advisory, but it’s important that you inform your coach as to whether you are using the supplements advised or not: this way, we can work together and be on the same page. Experience shows that not everyone has the financial means to purchase supplements so we will not expect this from anyone.

Q. Why do you ask for a 3/6-month commitment ahead of time?


A. Our aim is to help you achieve your desired result in the most efficient time frame without compromising your health & putting you in a position where it becomes difficult/impossible to sustain. Unfortunately, some of the industry promotes ‘fast-track’ results, and in doing so, will put the client’s needs second and the ‘transformation picture’ first. Our coaching centres on a health first approach: educating you around key areas (nutrition, training, digestion, stress & sleep). This educational approach is paramount if you wish to sustain your progress & not regress backwards.

Q. What happens after the programme/initial commitment ends?


A. There’s always the option to stay with the coaching and continue to receive support to push even further. However, by the end of your coaching experience, you will have the necessary tools to maintain your results & will have lifetime access to our Facebook group where you’ll still be able to capitalise on Q&A sessions hosted by the coaching team & supporting resources.

Q. Can I still eat out?


A. Yes, of course. Your nutrition outline will be tailored to support your lifestyle and you’ll be taught how to manage your nutrition around social occasions so that you can lead a healthy and enjoyable lifestyle. Not to mention, you have access to several resources that include ‘Commercial Eating Guides’ to some of your favourite eateries and low-calorie snack ideas (to name a couple).

Q. Can the coaching programme be designed around day and night shifts?


A. Absolutely. Many of our clients work differing shift patterns that extend beyond the traditional 9-5. In our initial calls, we will work to outline a schedule that best suits you and your goals.

Q. Will you help me with my nutrition?


A. Certainly. Nutrition is a key pillar to your health and fitness. Upon entering our service, we will quickly establish the level of support you will need & an approach that will work best for you through initial & ongoing conversation. The way we approach nutrition is very personalised for the individual and we use a large variety of strategies with our clients. For instance, you might opt to receive ‘model nutrition plans’ offering suggestions on ‘best practice’; perhaps you’d like support in tracking food using an app; or maybe you’d prefer/benefit from a non-tracking approach.

Q. What if I can’t bring Tupperware containers to work/can’t access a microwave?


A. Not a problem. You shouldn’t feel pressured to have all your food prepared in Tupperware. This isn’t to say that being prepared with food in advance is a bad thing, but it’s about finding the approach that suits you and your lifestyle. The nutrition approach we adopt for you will be discussed with you in the initial conversation with your coach.

Q. What if I don’t understand how to perform an exercise on the programme?


A. As a Precision One Coaching client, you have access to the True Coach training app where your programmes will be listed & accompanied by detailed coaching notes. Not to mention, you will also have access to exercise videos that will demonstrate ‘how to perform’ all movements prescribed in your plan. In addition to this, you will be able to send recordings across to your coach so that you can receive feedback on your exercise execution/technique outside of your personal training sessions. Of course, if you choose to work personally with your coach via the ‘Lifestyle/ Transformation’ coaching package, you will have access to your coach’s experience on a one-to-one level also.